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Wednesday 15 February 2012


If, like the average person, you like drinking alcohol every now and then and going on a night on the town, you'll know how knackered, dry and damaged your skin can feel in the morning.

Your skin is the largest organ in your body, and we all know that drinking a lot of alcohol can damage your skin, especially the skin on your face.

In this article, I'm going to give you the perfect hangover cure for your skin, for the morning after the night before, because no one wants horrible skin in the morning.


The amount of people I know that leave their makeup on after a night out shock me. Leaving your makeup on in your sleep is never a good thing, especially if you've been drinking alcohol.

I know when you get in from a night out, shoes in one hand and a kebab in the other, the last thing on your mind if taking your make up off, but you really have to make the effort.

It'll only take a few minutes, but it will make a huge different. Cleanse your face or use a make up wipe to get that mask off.

You don't ever want to be sleeping in your make up. It clogs up your pores, can cause blackheads and acne, and it apparently ages you 11 days each time you sleep in your make up (imagine adding that up over time).


When you've finally crawled out of bed in the late afternoon, head straight for the green tea.

Green tea is nature's perfect anti-oxidant. It's going to work on getting rid of all those poisonousness toxins from of your body that you put it in the night before. It's also going to soothe and cleanse your body, and do you a whole lot of good, whilst making you feel slightly more fresh.

Not everyone likes the taste of green tea, but try to ignore it, knowing it's good for you. You'll grow to appreciate the taste over time.

Add a dollop of honey to add more flavour or maybe a teaspoon of sugar? 


Even though alcohol is a liquid, it dehydrates your body, meaning a lot of the moisture in your skin is going to be dried out.

One of the worst feelings in the world is dry skin, and it feels even worse when you have a hang over. Drinking water is an essential part of skin care.

It's going to hydrate your body, and hydrate your skin, putting back natural moisture.

After a long night out, why not drink a glass of water when you get home? It might not be the first thing you want to do, but your body needs it.

Then, the day after, keep steadily drinking glasses of water throughout the day. It's important to replace all that lost hydration if you want your skin to recover.


Now, it's time to give your skin a home-made and 100% natural treat.

For this you're going to need cream or natural yoghurt or another dairy product that contains Butter Milk (that's the magic ingredient), and some natural honey. Add 1 table spoon of cream into a bowl and add 1 table soon of honey and mix.

Butter Milk is going to hydrate your skin, and not take any of the moisture away, and the honey is going to soothe and de-puff your face. The natural sugars in honey do amazing things for your skin. This mask is perfect for calming irritated skin.

Apply to your skin with a brush, a cotton pad or you can just use your fingers, and leave on for 25 minutes.

When you're done with the mask, wash it off with warm water. Once it's all washed off, splash your face with cold water, which is great for reducing swelling, and towel pat dry.


Whilst you still have your home-made mask on, it's time to relax, open up those pores and cleanse that alcohol from your skin.

Run a hot bath adding a few drops of Eucalyptus or Rosemary oil to open up your sinuses and senses (and they are also going to soothe your aching muscles that you got from all that dancing).

Pop a slice of cucumber on each eye to reduce that puffiness and calm those dark circles down. Drinking alcohol leads to dehydration and dehydration leads to puffy, swollen skin. Around your eye area, this will make you look older and tired. The whole cucumber thing is a bit of a cliché, but it really does work.

Relax, let the steam and mask work, put on some soft music and maybe light a few candles. Nothing de-stresses me more than a nice relaxing bath, and that's exactly what you want when you're hung over.


After your nice hot bath, and you've washed off your mask, it's time to seal all that moisture in to your skin.

Use your favourite oil-free moisturiser (you don't want to re-clog those pores), and pat the moisturiser into your skin.

Using a gentle slapping technique on your skin (not too hard though), it will stimulate your blood vessels, allowing the moisturiser to work deeper into your skin.

You can also apply an eye gel to rehydrate that area. Using a gel, instead of a cream will set your skin as it dries, making your skin appear firmer and fresher.

If you follow these simple steps then you're going to on your way to feeling fresher, healthier, and not so run down. Don't expect miracles, but this advice is going to help on your way to shaking that hang over, and recovering your skin. And remember, most importantly, with alcohol, don't over do it. Enjoy in moderation to prevent long term damage to your skin and health.

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