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Thursday 9 February 2012


Here is something I thought I would never see. Ke$ha has wiped off the neon paint, scrubbed off the glitter, washed the hair, and ripped off those dirty clothes.

In a new photoshoot for Glamour magazine Ke$ha can be seen wearing an over-sized jumper with very light-make up and natural  looking waves! However, do you think this look suits her? She made her name of acting drunk with buckets of autotune and dressing like a hobo in 2009, but is 2012 the year we finally see the clean-cut Ke$ha?

See the photoshoot after the jump!

Here we see Ke$ha with light make up, back-combed hair in a full length orange dress. I've never seen her so covered up!

...and in an oversized simple jumper with fish nets, and naturally wavy hair...

...and this is how we're used to seeing Ke$ha.

Under the glitter and grease, we knew a strangely naturally pretty girl lay there, and maybe she's in the mood for showing it to the world now. Her new album is coming out in 2012, so I wonder if we will see more of demure Ke$ha. Somehow, I feel like this is a one-off occasion, although I do like the clean looking Ke$ha a lot.

Do you think Ke$ha suits this look? Comment below!

Listen to one of Ke$ha's old unreleased demos from before she was famous. It fits this new image perfectly, and proves she can actually sing

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